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Corvallis Gazette-Times from Corvallis, Oregon • 1

Corvallis Gazette-Times from Corvallis, Oregon • 1

Corvallis, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VOL CORVALLiS, OREGON, SATURDAY 'M 2, 186G. and ubsition. ak lawver' for "the -concern. Itendtlicj Following Facts over 'arid Etcfloct on Tiicm be have been victorious on the field of I. battle, and seJf-preservatioa tbat'we Blial! be at' the, ballot box ou onday.

A Let the of a pjQ.ud Union v4etorv1nro ud from every Pre- cmct. '-tit TTTTS.i--Torri Caton. for a loner time the Heading Democratic lawyer i 4 ''Marion' county, told-the editor iof this paper, in the presence, of the plerk of the Court and others, tbt be. was the man that 'organized the V1' 'i "pld, society, in Polk county that the -object of that society was to eMail Hits 1 UllCSU, Ul vuu nited States authorities y'or in' bthen. wb'rds; that they, the Olkl 'G uard, w'pVild npt allow Jto bei arrest by the militarjy'for hauling Sownj-j tlie" American flag, rejoicing over' murder pf Lincoln, jCtc.1; Caton further saijd i that! TUEY VERE rilEj'AREl) TO RESIST; STATE4 AUT'lIOItTrES- IN mat.j Tjblt, AND TIIAIP ANOTHER SUCri'AN A REST AS.

THAT OF FULKEltSOtf IflAD 1 UE.V MADE, j. Voters tpF Oregon, theWoof of De ocr a i cl consp'i rac v' i 0 regon ,1 i ti.i.-U'' atid overwhelming. 1, i' 1 If youl are not ready yetj toj bo rep- rescnted'iu Congress 4and in tlje1 Ex-i 'j' edutivq" and Jgi3lative branches' of if Thi? ItelM Read the following extracts lUdinjr Demberatic and then jjidge who are; loyal, Lfnion-lov nig men, anu wnir'wm ue i iksjouisiuib for the terrible) 'i collision" tjiafc cop-rJerhead papers and' speakers proclaim 'bound to come' Coming events their 'shadows before 'them." tiieigh. well the seniiments pontain'ed these extracts. I.

Comparing them the, history "of the past few years. and the' sentiments of rcEel leaderSj can you, mistake; their -import? As t'i would avert impending danger, sfd to it that no party endorsing such. sfriitimenfs shall come into power in tills State. Give them a merited re-buKe 1 on Monday next at the 'polls. Ponder theso tid-bits of treason The llicrimond Whig urges Johnson to call together a Con-gfQsa compose.

iof members iroiu-. all tjni States of the Union, as1 well of those of the Sduth as. those, of thd North, and that if the radical members lould refuse toiattend. that he phall rpcfQgnize.the Northern conservative mejmbcrs and the Southern membersfjl the lawiul to fut in the (japitol and legislate for the country, lihle Whisr does ootusee how this: pro- I'm me could he accomplished' peace- illy and proposes that the radical tion'al "Congress a3 it terms' it, I 1 -l 1 1. 5 ouia continue irs appeal 1 to tiiik people and proceed to' muster my it the united Mates army should with it.

Iu' that' case the lig believes the President would be pared to meet with force. ho Enquirer, discoursing on the i subject, sttys it is. evident, indeed, i a violent collision between gftfss ana tne ii'resident is inevitable, asd is Tlfe Charleston (S'. 0.) News; says tlUre are obvious steps to the' mora in establisfiment of this Govei'nment the call of a Concresa to com-pt'sed of the members of the Southern Suites and $uch 'members ofllhb 'preset Congress as. are ready sftstain In stichia Congress there )luld be as Wire, a Senate and nearly a House, while with a bjidy to siu'staiu hinNiercan even more tly represent tiieHiovernmerit, and now the radicals, who shallaccept ueicnstve avtiiuue in, aijversary fhc northern" copperhead press caliio the same-sentiments.

Torii Flor ee's joururtral-at -Washington say These men TC'oujrressI had better are not a- h4raU.Cou- gfos, but an unconstitutional bod'iif usurper. The country feels tha the giMat error of the President "was in rceoguizing them at all in 'their the estate oovernment, uy. conyictPU traitors, you -must not vpte-for the1 Djemocra'tic candidates, for rn.EY werk'' IMPLICATE IN1' THE TREASON 'CONv1' TIIE PORTALLTS- i ALETTE, Published s.vTi'Kn.vY muxikg. MM. 1 CARTE It Form Three dollar per ykir Tw SIX fll(rtths4-lS A1WANCK.

i pSuelr-discO'-ntihned until all an- 'irearacs ire paid, except' at i he option of tjip I i I. ADVERTISING. Uibmcss cards, 1 square 1 year, $1 J0 5 SO0 tJrmonthk t'Ccal i 40 usertioiT payable in Greenback. fori -each iLi -J. Transient and legal advortbm-'jto insure insertion must be paid' for in advance.

Special Notices' A. holds stated Coninuinienf Wednesday evejvm on or tions on in faca full moon rethrcn in sfandiinstfire invited to attend -of 'obtaining Lots- can rsccCary information by apply- Geo. ltnitE'tTi. Cotniniik-e. heMls stated convocations "UiirrsJ- 'dav-evemmr on or precediui cach.full iiKam, at Masonic Hall, MeirbtU' hi goodi standing arc fc K.

JlOL( iAi 1., II. r. If i Meets Pit Tntsd: cv ing of each vwk. Jt WKJZ' o'clotK, in Hall. Main fti-eet.

ver tao tii'ost Uiiite. i-Membcrv ot tho otittr gooxl standing, are invited to attend. isiiiws Dilvctorv. Y. A.

CIIEX0AVET1L 1TTORYEV At LW, It K'rVL IilS, OIH'OON. VTT11XD PIKXMP'fliV 'TO all buinessl committed to hira Office bn Main1' Street. 1 ffOHX, KELSAY. coitselpr at Orfron. IVactico in all the Court of -TT-TTTX AV Sta lef and attend to bun ness entrt ted, to hinu Mi hi TO THE of this place vicinitv, i in an u.e orancnesot i iff it i 1 S.

ST All AX, sit 5aw, COliVALI.IS, OltKCJOX, Will practice in the several Courts of lienton co unty" and in the Supreme Court. OColleckions and remittances promptly made; Ooombs, -IVX; 13., of a Physi Person obtain al T'liV Qnnnn rii OulwjVUii; titsj I i i 1 i i I. 4i f-: I id' Ki -V 5 T-i 1 1 4 If St i i- i-4 2- fit ocracy. The jaboring'TOari gives aboqt oue hour's labor every, davto pay fpr Vapitnst pays dne- tenth of his inicomef cfost; of the Deniocr'tic paiitv. of nronertv is saiddled with i)emo-i cratie burdenJ Before he is be gotten the child is subjected to the Democratic" tax.

Prom the cradle to the jsraye. 'ho is -never' free 1 from it. Theifuneiarroourning must pay thoi penalty Democra'tie rule, and a portion1 of that which ho leaves beh? A iuus.tfgp into this Democratic vortex, ucncratioa atter gcuertition will carry thlis Democratic burden fWm l.lrth in tlcnth TlntJ frtrl'llirt Dil'mocratjc. party, our people would, hard 1 7 have now tho-nature df taxs ation. Jut tor the democratic prt'.

j'- i I the hundreds dr thousanys' or (youii men boues are strewn South would now he prdductive'lrtbor ers and "the and com tor families nmvdeso'late. No i'of can No one can prete-nd ttut the Democifatip iariy nau any. joi luoennu. Vet it has tho jefixontry 'to cry stiver the' burdens'of taxation. As 'the fath er of thciDenioerakicVparfy, when he had stripped Job of family ami p.ssc'f-stons.

charged it to 'own tin-', i tind ouirh to '(hituJVm Ins, iiitenrl- so nis itie sons now t'imc forwiird witji o.Ti'ontery and charge their upon tho iyal and hvipoci'ltlcatly bowl over. tT.i ir sIieiioas1 sd svek -til sctjee them i'rtin to eh ei tot power 'ti that hiis brtuiht iift t'ite vue- iii'Ciiinp. Read the folio vinir from the Orooa- ian. wltieh f.U'ts Lre ful-ly tv-r "eruin" the tiWsmial-'e or'anizatioK-? and i.nrpo?-es of the Deinecncy Or9- g'n. I'iitlr deny, bltte.r oats "anil impreeatiotift, Jthat tUey veitllfc Velong to, or even know of the existence of sach an organization.

J5ut these denial- cVnhot, mid will not ceivc a ii-eemin puldij. InteP.isrent uterss reading, aro 4o meet and refutij' their Ijase preterit ions to loyal Theyikiiow tlieir reConh and: T-111 brand them as writehes! imwoj-tnv til" comtUter.Ce or futiport el li'ine-X In a'Jl hlori to toe fuilowiiii: the i ril)es tieir -iiianner of initiation, signs expow t'lteij pots to seize the arsenals nn- -i. rniver all wdiieh-, were thwarted. Throughout ()regoii, a'i knolvn t- all reatling re.en, theiir -under' varioiH names, in working ier.

and their: armed -and. live re ansunsly nvaiting a signal for a general npring, and bloudy niMf'T, the "asihation n-rijimctit oilieials" and the fJrmat'iun of Pacipic Jln)'rMC 1 1 Thee are grave charges, but ibe Oregon ian- is in possession of pawrs and infonnation' fullv substantiating all these Ypters ofOtegon, rend and penOor on. tliese FACTR atil vou will readily er whv bach men as lion. Nmth were laid ou the' -dy. the ij'ortlahd und your dignity and honor outraged by' giving 'that your s-tIrage he g-iven to uch' a blackguard us James J).

Fav for Mongress 1 fttHl tlie the exponent ff TRrrr Head! IttAn! 11 The secret oath-bound, organizations of Democrats wiith existed all oiVer! the United States in 1301 and in sonie places before thai time, toiown as Knights of the Gol- fden Circle," Sons of-Libeftv," Hons of Freedom "Friends of the The Out (fuard, etc, were; in all essential pstrtieulai's the1 same. They sometimes known by one name land sometimes by' the, other, to sujt stance1? and places. weefcts iwere believed to havoj become leaky, tho naive of tho Order wasi of tea changed, as were, also, gjrips, signs," passwords, signals, iitual and forms of the oaths, 1 The order was hitroduced into tlietXoth-em States by eriiissafies from the Soutlient Confederacy, mostly from over the Canada border i.ilii. 180i it was intrpduced into Oregon tinder I tho name of The Old Guard," but was frequently "'designated toward the close, of the I'leMderitiaretup-paign as The Jones Famlily." prior to the election, several changes in the ritual, oaths, grips, signs, sceiet, c'tcM wer.amade tlirough fear of exposure, several members having become refractory. IX OR1.COX.

The order in Oregon consisted of ft Grand Lodc." Council." Circle" or uing what, ever name cirtumstaiieeti might at the time1 dictate; subordinate, organisations -with bimlar names for each isj ill simpler for pjrecinrts. 'The Uaard" or-, gini'aUoui for the State) wa'L, Mo. IJlElt, of Koseburg. Uiaud Stc-retary'f was T. N.

CATOT of Salem THE ENCAMPSIESfT 'X In Portland- there were tliree encamn-rnents othe Old OihM presided a v-and commanded by. captain of the L. F. GltOVElt Wa, hLgIa i la I a Tkc9 encarnprhents' in the: use of wiinin injp cuy or rormana, out ior company and jbattaliori drill, 'they had grounds about twelve miles west'oJj Portland The companies; each composing an tncampment, miere oliiccred as in the con-- i I Uif JfciVXJS OIF IlK Olt-UAJilZAllUA. I The obiecta df the order were to be pre- pared 'TO HllSLST TIIE DRAFT, should lone Ibe' ordered be in readiness, in ease of of tle rebel armies, to rise ahmtltancQwhji seize "jrua State Govern upts and either annex them to the South-em i confederacy, or establish Nprfiiwdsterri Confederacies and a "Pa-cinC TIepvblic," as events might prove most1 desirable.

Tne Oisdej? on this coast favorl a thicijfia Republic proposed to California, Prenfoji, Id iho, and a much of territory as could, be seized, witli San Franc co as thp capital. THE INMASA. CONSWRACt. The outbreak in Indiana in 1864, was expected herc, we; tc. it It wasfiMojTM ivv embers in Portland that it would' becur and the tn6tter iwhs talked ahouin-thencapipment meetings.

It was often di-tcuVbed whether it would be a favorable time to make a general movement. It? was in contemplation aud solemnly lreed upon among all, the encampments or cu-cles of thq Noitb, that if he rebel. should achieve1 any signal success during the cummer of I8Ct, THE ItI5VOLU- TION iDllifOSE PRLSIDKNT L1NT- 'O LX slioiuld I imm ediateli inaugurate, o.hewi?p it would take phu'e till the niclitof 'thq and possibly riot for ttuiv uavs1 Thin scheme was not abandoned by ulHcioi oidir? till a' few dayn before th "elocJiou. Tlip f.uceises ot'tli Union a roies-during- -rcindi ted the scheme tun liaaidon. The mer eU'Ctkm either- Lincoln sorMMei'lel-laa lonld not the abandonment lot' the proposec, thouc- 'eets cr defeat of the.

was to dticnuiiie tht matter CthkUssv-' INAtiov ot tixcoi.x. tOti jr informan i is tjbt as to where the ijr6poal ti assassinate the JVesident it tea's afout.befnre 'be nirjht before th; elevtioa trus Me timir -oriualiy intended for the'exe-cution of tfto deed, jit Mas expected that in thej confusion and dismay luilcwing the natliihg 'could be don-el ty (the Xloveinincnt'townrd sttppress-ing 'l)e-g'. npml i tion ytk ae.c OmplLshed on. tine-, night, of the i because of the abandonment ot tne scheme of revohitiorr; tho de- umi, Vtion -io oMMix the rHiMi: vas not abtnnotfjd. Thq 'day of the inauguration; afterward upon, but 'the man h( was to do it' J.

Wilkes. Uovth was tool. The as- sattthiatioH I teas freiiitcntii talked about anoa the finler'Vti Portland favtiriuj if, whjde othLjrs ojipoied it strcr.uiouslv. LboK'ro tub: LkgislaiVk Tici I'rietdU hrouifhout the ftl State ibear in riiind is a matter of a 3-- rreat! importance -ior; thei Uiiiou to have ii clear iiiajority iii the party nest1 lcrislatuki, as it is to pucceed'in electing tlio', State ticket, Upon "the nest; Lesiisjiatu -e will evul-ve the. duty of choosing asUnited ISates i Senator for the term six -years We entreat our iii every couuty to ork' yifh earnestness to se id 'true Union and none others, to the Legislature.

Suffer local disputes or private' animosities to endanger your Leg--islative tickets .) Do notmake it pos sibld by aWy ii attentioa on yoni" part, or by -contention among yourselves about candidates, tor the Copperheads to send Jo.i Lane pr fiddling Whitakcr to the United States Senate. jus have a man'to staiid by Senator Williams, anld to; properly, represent the people pf Oregon for the ensuing pix yearsSf. Reme.mbcr, it of the utmost eoncjrjucncq to choose a Legislature which -hall bo controlled by Unionists, i We may as easily secure ii jiited States Senatir as to'elct our State ticket, if we wl 1. The whole prizcj is within our reaehi and we have but will jt, and a 'complete victory is ours. Let us not be content with half a triumph let us, have the 'yfliolo fruits of a vie'tcjry I Oregonian.

An JJmijaribasino fat y6ung damsel at an entertainment was seated near xne stajje, ana- luanv eyes attentively rested oif her many' charms, not the least jot which1 wafc her hair, which was arranged in' a very Inr.roi anil sous "waterfall." with perfect of cutis pendant from' each side. Suddenly thoso wlto -h'ad fixed their admiring eyes ou her a'trecline in tlie wricU sable Avreatli and soon 'thd bouds -of hair pins atid comb being sundered, it slid grace! ully down tier naeic, wnen islic "seized it and- tucxed it Under her hood. But; her efforts ahis I' wetc iu vain. A second, time the lovely adoru-rneut broke, from tlie mooring and the whole stately fabric of "whirls pool'' curls, rats and hair pins, rolled ivom her shoulders iiiid iuto'the lap of modest and timid youth behind hf. Astonished beyond measure, yet self-possession, he "rmsed the article over her shoulder, hn face suffusedlwitU -She and pocketed it among remarks from unmannerly1 boys of "put on some glueV ''How' are you'j it aud other' expressions likfmilarnf fr bprrngtield he- iii ap I fii in hi tl of 1 Iii ti nf ad td of vc in set tivft dels ydii by T()5t' the Grand StCRETARY OFTHE'Old GcARD1 "A "Contrasts of Jludcru 'v- i -i-s A i i 1 Under the above caption tjie Sac-f, ramenb.

Daily' J3eo, of feccrit -date -has ai sensible article. the California-press has spared no op. portunity for casting slurs iipori a OrejV gon, to pass unimproved." Orfegomans, or f4 Web-Feet," as they are.snWinglyO' bsen regarded Cali-? foruians as au inferior xace of people- liitlo in advance'of "8barBarism--whHd Califbrnians have been represented as possessed of superior 'virtue. i intelli- g6ice and civilization. i We have bepn often pained to notice these' invidious' comparisons.

are unjust, antlf entirely Mncalled for, and we bail Witii pleasure the viodicatioo of ia 'change Jl -li-- AiiA-4 -tyU i ft coming 0 er the- spirit of. like California, lias been settled by representatives rfrorrij1 dl States iu the aqdj frdnif the various nations of the globe; a as a ma'tter? 01 course, fwe nave a.if phases of society. But read; what te' lfee ays of the 'contrast cloud has certainly conne'orerth whso ciiipital their industry, set-' tindttfr hundreds in the feritile'Dlains Th ana vaiieys ana rearing unto- mem-sejvesi homesteads that their-1 children and their children's 'children'' shall' i clyig to in the years that ai'o-' ispots to which their memories, wiljiJ ever no matter how great thadisvj atice that divides theraj aud towards lUlf, their future iu as. havei shown, fore Ion In tTio days of tTarrics: nfocracy wWpure and patriotic. In raw Jackson it faiths fully maintained th Union.

Since tbed" it gradually Jjjbcame poisoned' with llio lcrosy of, slavery, land Ste phen A. Dougiaa 'iras if? last great leader who ladbcred to- tbo Democracy of When fljie rebellion broke all tho. true led by doug'as, Holt, a(id otlitnv, joined.wjth th? llepub-licans in ibtnvi tfye1 great Union par-y, jivlncli'hias saved" the natip. from destruction, They arc still in that party, and forever stay-in it. No old Pemocra who joined himself with party iu 101 now go to thU niodcrujlmisuamed; Iepii oeratic party, which opposed't he Uu iti and aided the.traitors Iuiing the war, without.

j)iing wih -men who; basely deserted their country in its: sorest licmit ol need. Now consider these seriously JK-SIf these Oregon Democrats were nht worthy jof -trust ib time of war, ean we safely trust thein so soon ai'ter, it is JCjlf frfl could oL trust them to faVc. tliC V'uumi rebels and '-traitors were assailing it with'-bullets, can we safely, trust them now to per ti1G when the snme rebels are assailing it with bal Ion jvv Will ypii vote -with modern Demo first the following terrible; woes it has brought on vour land and nation. Head them. They arefactyJ everyone of them.

Dead circulate Ilebeilion 'wa out in Democratic States It was coulhie'dj I-ejm oeratic States. It washatebad by Sbnt.hern Democrats. It was thorn I femoprats omct-'re'i tiie rtmy. Democrats ni-'d' uj its rai.k and, iiie. Demoerats filled every, office' in tiic Confederate I (loveriiteetlt, the Presidency down to tvd clerkships and the messetiierhifts.

There wasn't a llepiibiican i i ii a sloujder or a iniy-kfr, or a iu wholtj (MiK'ern. In tlni Den(oeratio city ft umK the Duino--! cmtip riuunn (f ration ot iK-hanm, the A. Democrat ta'ifii'ired. mi mher tf that iDeum- erutit HlMll Ihe f- over to um; rtninu, and "ni ttie army 1 1 -1 "7 'i I where itwoilild be unavailable, or' Could easily; be fapture. Democratic iilt her of ministry thevorfd, so bat- samyu Democratic Ad scattered' the navy over that it could not be used on the relel ieaboard.

A Democratic Secretary of Treasury plundered his.tru-t to Ripply tbo ittbellion with nioiicv A JJemocratic 1'residetit. en- treatea to ay some UmiL' to save! "the nation, re.iu: eddeclarinrr a-nid frrniw fanU traitor that he was, and 'allowed the nation arsenals to be plundered, and hc tnttois hhips, navyyards and foiTtres'ies to bcTseized, and the rebel rirmies to be organized, without -a turger to prevent. Democrats throughout every Northern nud Stat'e applauded the conduci of uicip Democratic President- adopted, anddeiended his J)einocratic thai the (Sovcrnmcyt had no riht to jr iorce to suppress a and, from the, word 'rGo." oolitiea Iv and personally opposed every legislative, finanlc-ial, military and mojal mea-T sure taken to speedily and successfully prosecute 't lie war and save the nation's life. Tin; ani Woes are D1kmocrati.c all an (I one of them, without one solitary exfcept'iou. This truth, as of the Cos-pel, Fas thus uttered by a Western 'a tor uLet Democratic journals and ora tors howl over the debt and taxes their war has brought.

Thev are but mag-. Jwn Wrf do11ar of debt a Democratic legacy. Ly- cr is a IWcratic giit. Every sticking livery person in the United States drioks iu Democracy in his tea, his: coilee aud bis whisky, andj wiicrcwiin lie: sweuieua them, lach ingredient pays its quota for the coU' ft Democracy to the coun--try. The smoker inhales Democracy.

The sick man is physicked with Dem- 'a vjifuiauo ui auairs iu Vyaiiiuruni---" pWhile from Oregon wc hca'r ot families face ot social aliiirs in niAtvi.ijfM.oyernmvut cuiiM' riot nd ijclf, and that it "iWjirn.ANO.' was to coerce rebels, he sat Kullentj-dowu like the DumOcrat every facility there yett few.or i ti AA Vi I 1 i- 'tV 1 13 no nappy uomes, in nie sense in wnicu 't fhfi term i5 used' nt. thn Uncf Tli0 i are plenty of1' dwellings, substantiaVl OFFI 7R Oree'sf bjjlldijijj, oyer Walls Farso Co Entrance fami btark street. li It: GEO. 1 INotaiy Public i K- -1 Draws Dee'ds, Mortsajres, Powers of At torney, Affidavits, 'and ac knowledgnients of'the same. at ithc" enough to loojc at from few0that will bear inuto 1 They one and all hayo.ihe look of biav-T ing been thrown aud cheaply together for sonie temporary InnumerablaT crevices admit the, draught wben the air blows 7 Thin, unsubstantial roofs' sub and.

concert-the houses into oveuV when it i sultry. Colds', "-V and fever are the frequentconseauehfie': '-important rump-condition. AJir and, there are1 DHnocrats in the North who would back that kind of pluck with a cood rdllsh Lhe San Francisco Examiner, the kuowlcdged organ of the: Democratic tyof CaHfornK, lately said The" Abolition disease is fast-'draw- to a crisis. The Jacobins in Con as arc determined to bringmattcrs ti lijea'd Jlavfng caioledlhe people bdfpre. into a lriost ruinous, foolish and pictracteu war, they seem beut pu at iciiiipun ino same game again.

The Montgomery Convention which frMiied Confederate Constitution wdp composed of pure and unsullied patriots compared with the majority the present emasculated Rump. Uy I their bigoted and tyrannical test, oaths they are pre-: riting the the, laAvs Jelevejiij What should the Ejreeuiive do sunder these cireumstancesi quietly by 1 aud treason "hatching its iniquitous bniodf beneath; bis veryj nose thijuk not. The collision is bound coijiie. We see ita gradual approaches eailh 1 I'h Portland Herald recently said: Uuiess those men be re strained and discouraged, by a popyJar deaioiistration from Constitutional Union men, the people "of' this coast j)' wilj "bo startled by the pews of execul interference in uianner more el fedtivethan the warfare of paper bill-lets" or Presidential 5 i Ijaion arouse you. Tliese threats and iusinyatiouis mean something: And, onMouday bajte it iu yoir power to thwart jtheir as Oregon is concerned.

Wjill you-dd it We firmly' believe will. "PApek ballots" is: the EFFECTIVE WARFARE" trUO lov the Union now' desire. We t'slof -luj iiiuii i mujj V.UUUIUUU.. Cromwellian action just the thing XeM' Drujc Store, Corvallis. Oregon; i It is an old compaint that California SURVEYING; County Is now so situated he can attend promptly to all orders for survevins.

lie is one ot tho t( most; tedious places" in 1 1 tho world for sick-persons to get Cured 1 in, and perhaps1 this, inatteijtioa.iti',:. comfort io' the construction and furn- isbiugpf dwellings, prolific cause. Among infants ''l has been frightful, and consumntfvesV- 5 I i Kmay be found at tiwa't-lecraph Office, Cor- -yM rains: i iu 1 mis (variegated climate: chance baye no it'. A genuine case of krajico is re-sW "i ported from Guildford, Ensrlafadj PBICES OF Vjts BKDUCEl) Jirc 1-2 jCcntn per 11). --r cri, i 1 I old lady, bfter.

being for a lou'tima a.lpw state 6f(beaUhr sank; dcwn' sud-, A' i denly, 'i I' geon to-bo dead. coffin wVpuf l-' chased and tho body put into it, but it U' saiU 'lJuitJ just'jas -the iuhdertakeriv 1 weroj about screw-down flie- A Importers and Dealers HARDWARE" IROM, steel' and wagon supriojsed Corpse started fbolt to. the great terror of. and gettifigou't of its coffiu i across the It is' added that "tho. 1 TIMBER, PORTLAND, 10, 18GG- ORECOtf.

vv uuv uuiw auu Bircnig. t' Bhutan i.r -h Az a --'p: if T. A 'A'..

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